Brexit. Tourism and travel restrictions after Brexit

We are not experts on Foreign Office affairs, and we do not intend to be. Unfortunately, we cannot help you this time with any assistance that you may request on the subject, but we want to make our contribution and bring some light to your new status, giving you a few tricks about it. 

Considering the Schengen border crossing legislation, its transposition to the Spanish regulation and other domestic laws, we can state that residents in the UK will be subjected to the following travel restrictions:

  1. Though VISA will not be required for 2021, an authorization (ETIAS) will be necessary from 2022 on. There is still too little information about this ETIAS for the moment. 
  2. A maximum stay of 90 days per period of 180 days will be permitted. Both start on the date that the UK resident crosses any Schengen borders. Let’s see some examples:

    • Kevin flights from Heathrow to Mallorca on January 1st, 2021 and flights back on the 31st of March (90 days = 31+28+31). Kevin will not be allowed to return to Spain before June 30th.
    • Jane travels by Ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao on April 5th, 2021 and stays for 10 days before returning to the UK. Then she will still be able to spend 80 days more in Spain before October 1st.

    Longer stays will require an extension of the initial term that will only be granted in extraordinary cases due to exceptional circumstances. Alternatively, a non-profit temporary residence authorization can be applied and will last for 1 year, though this does not usually match with the purpose and duration of a tourism trip.
  3. As said before VISA is not required but the passport must have been issued within the last 10 years and have at least 6 months left after the booked date of departure from the Schengen area. 
  4. Additionally, you will need to justify the purpose and conditions of the planned stay. For example, for tourism you will need to show an evidence of your accommodation in Spain such as your hotel bookings. Particularly in the case of most of our clients a copy of their title deeds should be sufficient
  5. Moreover, you may need to prove sufficient means of subsistence. Domestic regulations set out an amount considered “sufficient” which is 10% of the minimum interprofessional salary per person and day, being that amount necessarily, in any case, at least, 90% of the said interprofessional salary. For 2021, the minimum amount is €95 per person and day with a minimum of €855.
    This availability of funds shall be established in cash, or by submitting certified cheques, travel cheques, letters of payment or credit cards, which must be accompanied by the bank account statement or an updated bank book (letters from banks or bank statements from the Internet will not be accepted); any other mean that proves undoubtedly the amount available in the said credit card or account should also be accepted. 

Personally, I can't imagine the National Police checking all this documentation to every single passenger arriving to Mallorca from the UK, so we are of the opinion that it is reasonable to expect random checks. It would be advisable to prepare before departure a file with all the documentation that you may require during your next visit to Mallorca

If you need further advice and information, we suggest that you search and find an expert that might guide you in this subject. Forget COVID19 for a while and prepare for your next trip to the Island, once all this is over.